Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reading Prompt #5

  • RICHARDSON Ch. 8. Podcasting, Video and Screencasting, Live Streaming: Multimedia Publishing for the Masses
  • BLACKBOARD - McQuillan, J. (2006). iPods in Education: The Potential for Language Acquisition
  • BLACKBOARD – Stansbury, M. (2009). iPods help ESL Students Achieve Success. eSchool News (May 11).

Do you have an iPod or another type of .mp3 player? If so, have you used it or anything other than listening to your own music, such as downloading and listening to podcasts? Note some of the points McQuillan made about how podcasting can support second language learning. Which of the ideas from the readings would you be interested in trying out in your own classroom?


  1. Are these readings on BB? I can't find them.

  2. Me either. I'v checked every files on the BB.

  3. If you guys go to the library site and search in the google scholar field you can get the McQuillan article. I'm not sure about the Stansbury one.

  4. some links...

    McQuillan, J. (2006). iPods in Education: The Potential for Language Acquisition:


    Stansbury, M. (2009). iPods help ESL Students Achieve Success. eSchool News:


  5. Thank you Scott! 怎麼給你找到的啊,厲害!

  6. My prompt response will be late as the prompt itself was recently posted.
